Assam First-Flush Orangajuli TGFOP
The last British owned tea estate in Assam, Orangajuli produces exclusively orthodox teas. When we visited the factory we were impressed by the exceptional high standard of hygiene in the factory. Indeed, the entire estate is very well run and produces some of the best “everyday” Assams we have ever tasted.
Situated in Upper Assam, and bordered by Bhutan to the North, the heavy rainfall and hot, humid daytime temperatures create a perfect greenhouse like environment for growth. This special agro-climate combined with the choice of high quality clonal plants give teas from a unique flavour that is renowned the world over.
Deliciously malty and fruity, Assam First-Flush Orangajuli brews to a bright amber cup with a full body and a smooth, sweet, malty taste. If you feel you need to sweeten or “lighten” this tea we recommend using honey and/or a slice of lemon.