As a young girl Kate Bridges worked in service for respectable families in the countryside of Victorian England. A talented and creative cook, as her career progressed she became cook to one of London’s leading Edwardian families Lady and Richard Bellamy. During her time at 165 Eaton Place, London SW1, she was known as Mrs Bridges and devised elaborate menus and cooked for some of the leading figures in the capital including the Monarch King Edward. From the early days of her working life Mrs Bridges collected recipes and in 1905 she published a book called “Practical Household Cookery”. The marmalades and preserves in the modern Mrs Bridges range, presented in pretty oval jars with a traditional mop cap and bow use only the finest ingredients and are based on the recipes in Mrs Bridges’ book.
Mrs Bridges was immortalised in the long running 1970’s series ‘Upstairs Downstairs’ (known in Germany as “Eton Place”), where, along with the Butler Mr Hudson, she reigned “downstairs.”
In Britain marmalade is a citrus based preserve containing peel and is a quintessential part of a traditional full English breakfast. With six different flavour options available it doesn’t have to get boring though. Take your pick from classic fine cut, pink grapefruit, with ginger or with champagne or if you don’t fancy a citrus flavour, raspberry or strawberry, and get your day off to a sprightly, lively start!
Contents: 252 g (6 x 42 g).