This Milky Oolong tea is full of sweet milk flavours that never fail to amaze our customers. The liquor is a clear, pale yellow and it has a wonderful creamy, sweet, smooth taste – almost as if sweetener had been added. The base tea is a lightly oxidized, ball-style oolong from China. After the tea has been produced the milk flavour is added. This can be done in different ways and using different types of flavouring, our Milky Oolong is the most natural and subtle version we could find for a flavoured tea.
A more subtle alternative to this flavoured tea is the completely natural (unflavoured) Milk Oolong from Taiwan. We LOVE this tea, which was in fact the inspiration for the popular Milky Oolong tea. It is made from the Jin Xuan cultivar of the tea plant, is much more delicate and the flavour of the tea develops and unfolds slowly over multiple infusions.
By the way, all Milky / Milk Oolongs taste great warm or cold.